Feature #4315
closedFeature #4310: Design and develop framework for wild games
Create side component for task animations
Remainder Time:
Sprint :
This component will be placed in game and report screens;
It should have few sources:
It should have few sources:
- source for static image;
- source for animation;
- and play button;
Updated by Ilya Burnashov over 6 years ago
- Due date set to 06/11/2018
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- Estimated time set to 8:00 h
- Remainder Time set to 8.00
- Sprint set to wild_sprint_117
Updated by Ilya Burnashov over 6 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 50
- Sprint changed from wild_sprint_117 to wild_sprint_118
Updated by Ilya Burnashov over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
- Remainder Time changed from 8.00 to 0.00
Updated by Ilya Burnashov over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed