Bug #9326
closedSome Spanish translations are not being displayed on the entry
Some Spanish translations are not being displayed on the entry.
Language and numbers> Numbers 2> round 1> 13
Language and numbers> Numbers 2> round 2> 30
Language and numbers> Numbers 3> round 1> 60
Updated by Angela Zhang almost 4 years ago
Hi Ilya,
After a discussion with Lynn and Andrea, we think the issue might be in the Chinese transition. Some translator misplaced a long explanation in the field. I've change it in the database. I want to let you know in case my correction in Chinese may have fixed the issue accidentally:-).
Updated by Ilya Burnashov almost 4 years ago
- Due date set to 03/29/2021
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Ilya Burnashov to Andrea Ospina
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- Estimated time set to 1:00 h
- Remainder Time set to 1.00
- Sprint set to wild_sprint_246
Andrea, there is no information about translations in the data, no Spanish as well as no Chinese.
Also I generated new data and checked it - there is no information about translation too.
So it seems to solve this issue you need to update dictionary data.
Updated by Ilya Burnashov almost 4 years ago
- File all_data_without_translations.csv all_data_without_translations.csv added
- File game_data_without_translations.csv game_data_without_translations.csv added
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Remainder Time changed from 1.00 to 0.00
- Sprint changed from wild_sprint_246 to wild_sprint_247
The issue for this entries is fixed. Further you need to contact to Angela and add all needed translations.
For example I added two files to this task, one describes entries without translations in game, other in wild.
Updated by Andrea Ospina almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed